Friday, July 24, 2009

A Slap in the Faces of the Auto Workers.

What the H is going on? Now I see Mr Wagoner past CEO of GM who was let go is retiring Aug 1st. His retirement package is worth 10 million.What a joke and a slap in all of our Americans faces. The government gave GM 50 billion and this is how they restructure. If me and my wife were to go into bankruptcy how could I give anyone a big amount of money.I wouldn't have it to give.Why do we let this happen?Speak out!!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Summertime Fun

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer. With the economy still not good and a lot of people laid off, I know it's hard for some to have fun this summer. Remember that you don't have to spend money to enjoy life.You can go for walks and bicycle rides where you can enjoy the outdoors,get exercise and be one with nature for awhile.You would be surprised how relaxing and fun it can be.It's a great stress reliever too. Whatever you decide to do this summer, please be safe and try and keep the faith that things will get better.Positive thoughts bring on positive results. Have a great summer.
If your looking for some great bargains come see us at Bonanzle!