Saturday, January 12, 2013

A New Dawn!

Hello and welcome to 2013. Hopefully this will be the start of a great recovery in all of our lives and the beginning of a new and just government. It's time that our elected officials take heed of the peoples needs and desires for smaller Government, less spending and less bureaucratic rhetoric. We need to get back to the basics of life, freedom and the pursuit of happiness.In order to do this we must focus our attention more on God, and less on money and the material things to make us happy. Family and friends must be the priorities in our lives,not what we have or what we can acquire.Yes it's nice to have the newest gadgets and such but, that is not what will ultimately make us happy and fulfilled. So in closing I would like to say I hope everyone has a blessed and healthy new year and try to do a good deed everyday. Get involved and stay informed with what our Government is doing and above all, show others by example that to pay something good forward will make this world a much better place for all to live.
My wife and I enjoy our online stores and invite you to stop by. We are not in the business to make a lot of money, it's more of a passion and hobby that we enjoy. We love to find bargains and pass them along to our customers. Please feel free to come and visit us and browse through our stores,you might find something very unique and a one of a kind treasure. Happy New Year! Jeff and Jan